Pacific CA Systems, Inc. was established in Yakima, Washington and incorporated there December 14, 1990. Our founder, Jim Wooldridge, and two of his partners saw an opportunity to address the nitrogen needs of the Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage industry in the Pacific Northwest. With their drive and engineering expertise they were able to establish the company as a knowledgeable and dependable supplier to the fruit industry as well as provide extensive technical support. This was key to the company's survival through the challenging start-up period.
News of the company's success soon spread beyond the Pacific Northwest fruit industry. Interest in the company's products and expertise came from overseas. The company began to export nitrogen generators and the complementary products to such countries as Australia, Turkey, South Korea, Peoples Republic of China, and Israel.
Today, Pacific CA Systems, Inc. is an established and proud partner with many members of the agricultural community. Our focus remains the Pacific Northwest as we look for new and better ways to serve this community.
The company expanded beyond serving the agricultural industry in 2002. Using our expertise in the sale and transportation of cryogenic liquids we began serving the energy sector. Oil and natural gas field servicing companies now use Pacific CA Systems, Inc. as a dependable and on-time provider of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. These gases are used in the hydraulic fracturing (fracing) process to increase the resource recovery rates of oil and natural gas fields. We transport to the Mid and Mountain West regions in the United States and Canada.
The other area of expansion in 2002 was the General Industry arena. As a qualified and licensed transporter of cryogenic liquids we expanded to deliver gases for a number of companies in the Pacific Northwest, Canada and California. We transport cryogenic liquids on behalf of our customers to their customers. This includes delivery to retail outlets for day-to-day distribution of gases. Examples include oxygen for hospitals, carbon dioxide for bottling of beverages, and nitrogen delivered to oil refineries. As with the energy sector, we take pride in providing a high level of customer service. This means a highly responsive driver group that is quickly dispatched to serve the needs of the customer.
The success noted above has required us to expand in our facilities. In 1999 the company acquired land at 1420 Industrial Way, Union Gap, Washington to construct a new office and shop. This enabled the company to own our own real estate and construct facilities to our specifications. With the continued growth in the company, the adjoining property was purchased in 2006 and the shop was expanded in 2007. Pacific CA Systems, now owns over 207,000 square feet of Light Industrial zoned real estate in Union Gap. Our improvements now include 4,200 square feet of offices and over 12,000 square feet of shop area. The newly expanded shop area includes a truck/trailer size blast and paint booth used in our rehabilitation operations.
As Pacific CA Systems approaches the 30th anniversary of our founding, we continue to focus on what generated success in the past. That is simply and effectively ensuring we are taking care of our customers. Whether you have been part of our history, or you are considering us for your future, we thank you for visiting our home.